SGX Market Updates

Singapore Stocks with Significant Trading Turnover Growth in 1H24


04 July 2024

  • In 1H24, nearly half the stocks that saw their average daily turnover (ADT) more than triple CY23 levels represented the Industrials and Consumer Cyclical Sectors. Industrial stocks included Cosco Shipping, Chasen, Beng Kuang Marine, Soilbuild Construction and Wee Hur, while Consumer Cyclical stocks included Isetan and ValueMax.

  • Soilbuild Construction has seen its average daily turnover grow 10-fold in 1H24, from CY23 levels, while the stock generated a 210% price gain. The surge in trading turnover followed the Group reporting it had clinched a S$647.5 million construction contract, bringing the Group’s order books beyond $1.2 billion for the first time.

  • With a market capitalisation of S$47 million, Beng Kuang Marine booked S$2.4 million of net institutional inflow in 1H24, with a new substantial shareholder emerging, Ginko-AGT Global Growth Fund, which increased its direct interest in the stock to above 7% on 6 June.

More than 50 Singapore-listed stocks saw average daily turnover (ADT) grow at least 3-fold in 1H24 versus the full 2023 year (CY23).

Among these stocks, Riverstone (SGX:AP4) and Great Eastern (SGX:G07) moved into the top 50 traded stocks by average daily turnover in 1H24. While the latter is subject to a well-publicised voluntary unconditional general offer by OCBC (SGX:O39), the former reported its 1QFY24 (ended 31 March) net profit increased 54.5% y-o-y, totalling RM 72.2 million. This marked the company’s fifth consecutive quarter of sequential growth.

Cosco Shipping (SGX:F83), Yoma Strategic (SGX:Z59), Chasen (SGX:5NV), Beng Kuang Marine (SGX:BEZ) and Mermaid Maritime (SGX:DU4) all saw their average daily turnover more than triple in 1H24 from CY23 levels. As a result, these five companies have climbed to the top 100 most traded stocks in 1H24, having previously been outside the top 100 in CY23.

The 20 stocks with both the highest 1H24 average daily turnover and 1H24 average daily turnover that at least tripled CY23 levels, are tabled below.

Top 20 Singapore Stocks with highest Average Daily Turnover (ADT) in 1H24 that saw 1H24 ADT grow at least 3x from CY23

Stock SGX
Average Daily
Average Daily
Total Return
Net Institutional Inflow
2019 - 1H24
Total Return
Historical Volatility
Riverstone AP4 1,438 2,860,884 882,763 46 16.0 247 41 Healthcare
Great Eastern G07 12,145 2,844,387 489,487 49 38.1 39 41 Financial Services
Cosco Shipping F83 338 1,591,634 355,102 14 -0.2 -54 45 Industrials
Yoma Strategic Z59 277 1,381,521 224,904 71 1.2 -65 72 Real Estate (excl. REITs)
Chasen 5NV 38 1,074,291 35,479 18 -1.1 27 85 Industrials
Beng Kuang Marine ^ BEZ 47 931,084 276,948 267 2.4 400 73 Industrials
Mermaid Maritime DU4 273 725,780 156,176 103 7.5 43 53 Energy/ Oil & Gas
Aspen Group 1F3 47 255,669 39,998 95 0.2 -46 122 Real Estate (excl. REITs)
Global Invacom ^ QS9 10 224,881 21,243 -19 0.2 -77 70 Technology
Soilbuild Construction S7P 139 194,833 1,867 219 -0.8 71 224 Industrials
Wee Hur E3B 211 165,310 17,460 20 2.4 19 29 Industrials
Broadway Industrial Group B69 83 106,548 5,927 115 -1.0 54 55 Technology
Pan United P52 366 100,077 19,518 44 3.3 78 24 Materials & Resources
Isetan I15 292 90,455 1,993 153 0.5 49 155 Consumer Cyclicals
Oiltek * HQU 66 66,989 10,132 120 -1.3 0 58 Consumer Non-Cyclicals
ValueMax T6I 367 42,467 12,682 38 0.6 72 36 Consumer Cyclicals
Jasper Investments ^ FQ7 35 40,862 724 700 -0.3 100 501 Industrials
GSS Energy ^ 41F 18 36,524 2,356 7 -0.9 -72 83 Industrials
FSL Trust D8DU 76 34,870 10,881 45 -0.9 322 104 Industrials
GKE Corp * 595 58 32,763 8,486 10 0.1 13 46 Industrials
Total 16,324 12,801,827 2,574,128 66
Average 106 61 96

*Listed on Catalist
^On SGX-ST watchlist
Source: SGX, Refinitiv, Bloomberg. All Data as of 30 June 2024.

Soilbuild Construction (SGX:S7P) has seen its average daily turnover grow 10-fold in 1H24 to S$194,833, from S$1,867 in CY23. This was the highest percentage growth of average daily turnover across the two periods for the 20 stocks tabled above. The stock generated a 210% price gain in 1H24 bringing the total return of the stock since the end of 2019 to 71%. The surge in trading turnover followed the Group reporting it had clinched a S$647.5 million construction contract, bringing the Group’s order books beyond S$1.2 billion for the first time. As of the end of June, the stock maintained S$139 million market capitalisation with a P/E ratio of 18x and ROE of 23%. The market capitalisation has since increased to S$150 million, with the P/E ratio at 19x in early July.

With a market capitalisation of S$47 million, Beng Kuang Marine (SGX:BEZ) booked S$2.4 million of net institutional inflow in 1H24. The S$2.4 million represented 5% of the end of June market capitalisation, the highest ratio of 1H24 net institutional inflow to June end market capitalisation in the above table. In 1H24, a new substantial shareholder for Beng Kuang Marine emerged, Ginko-AGT Global Growth Fund, which increased its direct interest in the stock to above 7% on 6 June.

AGT Partners Pte Ltd is a local fund that adopts value-driven strategies, focusing on bottom-up stock picking with an emphasis on long-term growth appreciation.

Beng Kuang Marine operates two core business divisions: Infrastructure Engineering and Corrosion Prevention. Back on 2 May, Beng Kuang Marine released a 1QFY24 business update, highlighting its S$11.3 million profit before tax in 1QFY24 (boosted by a S$5.8M one-time gain from a partial property sale) surpassed its FY23 turnaround profit before tax of S$10.8 million. Beng Kuang Marine was placed on the SGX Watch-List under the Financial Entry Criteria in June 2023.

Note the while the above 20 stocks generated average/median total returns of 106%/48% in 1H24, they have also seen higher volatility in their share prices over the past six months.

The next 20 stocks with both the highest 1H24 average daily turnover and 1H24 average daily turnover that at least tripled CY23 levels, are tabled below. Note that multiple stocks in the table below maintain comparatively low market capitalisation and average daily turnover.

Next 20 Singapore Stocks with highest Average Daily Turnover (ADT) in 1H24 that saw 1H24 ADT grow at least 3x from CY23

Stock SGX
Average Daily
Average Daily
Total Return
Net Institutional Inflow
2019 - 1H24
Total Return
Historical Volatility
AF Global L38 87 29,312 4,348 4 0.0 -40 51 Consumer Cyclicals
Azeus System BBW 290 28,573 8,841 28 0.2 1,061 33 Technology
5E Resources * NLC 43 27,158 6,229 17 1.1 0 54 Industrials
Heatec Jietong * 5OR 5 21,801 255 10 0.0 -41 178 Industrials
Willas-Array Electronics BDR 45 19,528 2,174 70 -0.1 45 101 Technology
Plato Capital * YYN 26 19,135 3,390 3 0.9 122 99 Technology
New Toyo International N08 118 15,086 4,239 28 0.1 152 42 Materials & Resources
Intraco ^ I06 33 12,938 4,381 14 0.0 4 81 Industrials
Asia Enterprises A55 49 12,508 1,951 16 -0.5 14 39 Materials & Resources
KTMG * XCF 19 9,255 631 -27 0.0 -8 104 Consumer Cyclicals
Malaysia Smelting Corp NPW 309 9,040 2,308 22 0.4 204 52 Materials & Resources
Ying Li International Real Estate 5DM 56 8,810 1,070 10 -0.2 -81 159 Real Estate (excl. REITs)
Taka Jewellery * 42L 40 8,752 2,134 1 -0.5 3 112 Consumer Cyclicals
Metis Energy ^ L02 106 7,572 1,645 -27 -0.1 -48 249 Utilities
Old Chang Kee * 5ML 88 7,286 2,203 12 0.2 8 25 Consumer Cyclicals
Zheneng Jinjiang BWM 538 7,091 1,553 33 0.6 -36 160 Energy/ Oil & Gas
KOP Limited * 5I1 37 5,430 1,405 -11 0.0 -41 122 Consumer Cyclicals
Kori Holdings * 5VC 17 4,968 103 3 0.0 -37 18 Industrials
LifeBrandz * 1D3 5 4,771 1,536 0 0.2 -59 633 Consumer Cyclicals
Hosen Group * 5EV 12 4,054 744 -19 -0.1 19 110 Consumer Non-Cyclicals
Total 1,921 263,067 51,138 2
Average 9 62 121

*Listed on Catalist
^On SGX-ST watchlist
Source: SGX, Refinitiv, Bloomberg. All Data as of 30 June 2024.

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