SGD Exchange Rate


Singapore Dollar SGD Currency Exchange Rates @ SG

SGD Exchange Rates

Singapore Dollar Currency Exchange FX Rate


Foreign Currency Singapore Currency 52-Week Price Range
United States Dollar $ 1 USD To Singapore Dollar 1.3438 SGD
1.3177 ~ 1.3751
Australian Dollar $ 1 AUD To Singapore Dollar 0.8803 SGD
0.8618 ~ 0.9111
British Pound £ 1 GBP To Singapore Dollar 1.7326 SGD
1.6585 ~ 1.7434
Canadian Dollar $ 1 CAD To Singapore Dollar 0.9727 SGD
0.9727 ~ 1.0165
Chinese Yuan 元 1 RMB To Singapore Dollar 0.1851 SGD
0.1848 ~ 0.1889
Euro € 1 EUR To Singapore Dollar 1.4571 SGD
1.4382 ~ 1.4824
Hong Kong Dollar $ 1 HKD To Singapore Dollar 0.1721 SGD
0.1686 ~ 0.1756
New Zealand dollar $ 1 NZD To Singapore Dollar 0.7953 SGD
0.7933 ~ 0.8378
Malaysian Ringgit RM 1 MYR To Singapore Dollar 0.2878 SGD
0.2803 ~ 0.2948
Qatari Riyal ر.ق 1 QAR To Singapore Dollar 0.3685 SGD
0.3615 ~ 0.3771
Saudi Riyal ر.س 1 SAR To Singapore Dollar 0.3582 SGD
0.3514 ~ 0.3666
Swiss Franc Fr 1 CHF To Singapore Dollar 1.522 SGD
1.4763 ~ 1.5687
United Arab Emirates Dirham د.إ 1 AED To Singapore Dollar 0.3659 SGD
1.3177 ~ 1.3751
Indian Rupee ₹ 100 INR To Singapore Dollar 1.6053 SGD
1.5822 ~ 1.652
Japanese Yen ¥ 100 JPY To Singapore Dollar 0.8821 SGD
0.8338 ~ 0.9527
New Taiwan Dollar $ 100 TWD To Singapore Dollar 4.1001 SGD
4.0886 ~ 4.3145
Philippine Piso ₱ 100 PHP To Singapore Dollar 2.2936 SGD
2.2914 ~ 2.4326
Thai Baht ฿ 100 THB To Singapore Dollar 3.7188 SGD
3.6631 ~ 3.8937
South Korean Won ₩ 100 KRW To Singapore Dollar 0.0969 SGD
0.0968 ~ 0.1045
Indonesian Rupiah Rp 10,000 IDR To Singapore Dollar 0.8261 SGD
0.8228 ~ 0.8912
Vietnamese đồng ₫ 10,000 VND To Singapore Dollar 0.5304 SGD
0.5277 ~ 0.5712
Singapore Currency Foreign Currency 52-Week Price Range
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To United States Dollar $ 0.7442 USD
0.7272 ~ 0.7589
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Australian Dollar $ 1.1360 AUD
1.0976 ~ 1.1604
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To British Pound £ 0.5772 GBP
0.5736 ~ 0.6030
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Canadian Dollar $ 1.0281 CAD
0.9838 ~ 1.0281
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Chinese Yuan 元 5.4025 RMB
5.2938 ~ 5.4113
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Euro € 0.6863 EUR
0.6746 ~ 0.6953
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Hong Kong Dollar $ 5.8106 HKD
5.6948 ~ 5.9312
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To New Zealand dollar $ 1.2574 NZD
1.1936 ~ 1.2606
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Malaysian Ringgit RM 3.4746 MYR
3.3921 ~ 3.5676
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Qatari Riyal ر.ق 2.7137 QAR
2.6518 ~ 2.7663
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Saudi Riyal ر.س 2.7917 SAR
2.7278 ~ 2.8458
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Swiss Franc Fr 0.6570 CHF
0.6375 ~ 0.6774
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To United Arab Emirates Dirham د.إ 2.7330 AED
2.6709 ~ 2.7871
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Indian Rupee ₹ 62.294 INR
60.533 ~ 63.203
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Japanese Yen ¥ 113.366 JPY
104.965 ~ 119.933
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To New Taiwan Dollar $ 24.390 TWD
23.178 ~ 24.458
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Philippine Piso ₱ 43.600 PHP
41.108 ~ 43.641
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Thai Baht ฿ 26.890 THB
25.683 ~ 27.299
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To South Korean Won ₩ 1,031.99 KRW
956.94 ~ 1,033.06
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Indonesian Rupiah Rp 12,105 IDR
11,221 ~ 12,154
Singapore Dollar 1 SGD To Vietnamese đồng ₫ 18,854 VND
17,507 ~ 18,950

Note   These rates are the average of buying and selling interbank rates quoted around midday in Singapore, disseminated by MAS to the public for information only. These rates could differ from those quoted by foreign exchange dealers.

Disclaimer   The rates are not attributable to MAS, and MAS does not warrant and hereby disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, currentness, timeliness or fitness for any particular purpose of the rates.

Kindly feedback to us for any discrepancies in data.


* All data and information is provided "as is" for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes or advice. We do not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. Please consult your broker or financial representative to verify pricing before executing any trade. We are not liable for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein. ~

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