TSH Resources

SGX Listed Stock


SGD ***.**
Share Price as of: 2025-03-26 14:57
ISIN Code: MYL9059OO006
Market: SGX Mainboard
Sector / Industry: Consumer Staples / Food, Beverage & Tobacco / Food Products

TSH Resources Stock InfoTSH RESOURCES BERHAD Stock Info SGX Listed TSH Resources (SGX:TSH) Stock Info TSH.SI Stock Info

TSH Resources Berhad was incorporated on 7 August 1979 and has its beginnings in the cocoa business. The business grew over the years and at the time it was listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in 1994, the Company and its subsidiaries had already established itself as the single largest exporter of cocoa beans and products in Malaysia.

TSH Resources ventured into the oil palm industry in Sabah in the 1990s and subsequently in Kalimantan and Sumatera, Indonesia in the 2000s. Today, the Group is principally engaged in oil palm cultivation and processing of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) into Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK).

As at 15 Sep 2023, TSH Resources has a total oil palm planted area of 39,071 Ha and 6 palm oil mills, comprising 2 in Sabah, Malaysia and 4 in Indonesia. TSH Resources also operate a palm oil refinery and a fractionation and PK crushing plant in Sabah, Malaysia as part of a joint venture with the Wilmar International (SGX:F34). The oil palm businesses accounted for ~92% of TSH Resources’ total revenue for FY2022.

TSH Resources is also engaged in the other businesses segment which comprise:

  1. the wood division, which involves the manufacture and sale of downstream engineered hardwood flooring (EHF) and the operation of a forest management unit for sustainable forestry; and
  2. the bio-integration division, which involves the generation and supply of electricity from biomass and biogas power plants.

The Group has ceased the operations of its cocoa processing factory and no longer manufacture cocoa products since March 2023.

TSH Resources is secondary listed on the Main Board of Singapore Exchange since 26 September 2023.

Source: Company Introductory Document, FY2022 Annual . 2023-09-26.

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