Sheffield Green

SGX Listed Stock


SGD ***.**
Share Price as of: 2025-02-13 17:16
Market / ISIN Code: Catalist / SGXE15230159
Sector / Industry Group / Industry: Industrials / Commercial & Professional Services / Professional Services

Sheffield Green Stock InfoSHEFFIELD GREEN LTD. Stock Info SGX Listed Sheffield Green (SGX:SGR) Stock Info SGR.SI Stock Info

Sheffield Green Ltd. is a human resource service provider for EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and installation) works in the renewable energy industry (which includes onshore wind, offshore wind, solar and green hydrogen), headquartered in Singapore with subsidiaries incorporated in Singapore, Japan and a branch office in Taiwan.

Sheffield Green's human resource solutions are segmented as follows:

  1. Provision of human resource services – to supply a wide range of personnel in accordance with its clients ranging from management personnel (including C-suite personnel), technical personnel, to offshore crewing personnel across industry sub-segments.
  2. Ancillary Services – to provide services related to the provision of personnel, which include primarily visa and work permit applications, training and deployment logistics.

Sheffield Green's renewable energy business was carved out from the business of Sheffield Energy Pte. Ltd.

Source: IPO Prospectus. 2023-10-16.

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